Isnaeny Ramadhan


One of the important resources in management is human resources. The importance of human resource should be realized by all levels of management. Despite the advanced technology existing in the present day, humans still play an important role for the success of an organization. The transformation of the ASN Policy and Management System, which is in 2013 still using closed career system and changed to be an open career system in 2018, and is expected to become an open system in 2025. While the transformation of the ASN policy and management approach in 2018 and in 2025 concerns on the development of the potential of Human Capital. Apparatus Resources are required to be able to think creatively and innovatively. Innovation requires various adjustments to various influences both internally and externally depending on the Apparatus Resources implementation. The need for innovation in the context of the State Administration for Local Governments is quite good but it is not enough in today’s competition era even at the local level. In order to accelerate the development of human capital in supporting the effectiveness and performance of organizations, a synergy of policies or innovations is needed between strategy, organizational structure, technology, human resources, and culture.


Apparatus Resources, Human Capital, Innovation, Strategy

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