Analisis Peran Serta Masyarakat Pada Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Posyandu Lansia Di Kelurahan Cideng Kecamatan Gambir Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat

Dewi Mulyati, Dodi Rahmat Setiawan


Cideng Subdistrict, Gambir Subdistrict Health Center, Central Jakarta Administrative City is the center of the implementation of health services to the community in Cideng Village. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interview and documentation techniques. The research informants were 1 (one) Head of the Cideng Sub-District Health Center, 1 (one) Community Health Center Staff in Cideng Village, 2 (two) residents / community members who were elderly Posyandu cadres, 3 (three) elderly people / communities, 1 (one) academic person. The results of the study show that (1) there has not been a cadre of elderly integrated service posts in the Cideng Sub-District area, so that it is necessary to establish an elderly integrated service post cadre. (2) the aspirations of the community in the integrated elderly service post in Cideng Village have not yet been netted because the education level of the community is diverse so it is necessary to provide socialization to the community and support for facilities and infrastructure that need to be continuously improved. (3) Efforts are made to deal with the obstacles found in Cideng Urban Village by providing an explanation to the public about the importance of increasing community participation.

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