Analisis Efektivitas E-Faktur Versi 3.0 Dalam Pelaporan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Satu Tahun 2020

Gita Silvana Putria, Jiwa Pribadi Agustianto, Yopy Ratna Dewanti


This study aims to discuss the effectiveness of E-Faktur Version 3.0 in Value Added Tax Reporting at KPP Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Satu. The main issue discussed in this study is how the level of effectiveness of the latest E-Faktur Version 3.0 in Value Added Tax Reporting. The research was conducted at KPP Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru employing a descriptive approach and data collection technique using interviews and documentation  where  researchers  calculated  the  effectiveness level of E-Faktur Version 3.0 in Value Added Tax Reporting. To find out the actual situation, I conducted interviews with several parties.   Based   on   the   results   of   the   study,   in   2020   the effectiveness level of EFaktur Version 3.0 has been said to be effective in helping to facilitate Taxpayers, but it cannot be said to be effective in solving Taxpayer reporting compliance issues. The contributing factors are the lack of awareness of taxpayers, lack of technology literacy of the Taxpayer, and lack of socialization from the KPP to PKP or taxpayers

This study aims to discuss the effectiveness of E-Faktur Version

3.0 in Value Added Tax Reporting at KPP Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Satu. The main issue discussed in this study is how the level of effectiveness of the latest E-Faktur Version 3.0 in Value Added Tax Reporting. The research was conducted at KPP Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru employing a descriptive approach and data collection technique using interviews and documentation  where  researchers  calculated  the  effectiveness level of E-Faktur Version 3.0 in Value Added Tax Reporting. To find out the actual situation, I conducted interviews with several parties.   Based   on   the   results   of   the   study,   in   2020   the effectiveness level of EFaktur Version 3.0 has been said to be effective in helping to facilitate Taxpayers, but it cannot be said to be effective in solving Taxpayer reporting compliance issues. The contributing factors are the lack of awareness of taxpayers, lack of technology literacy of the Taxpayer, and lack of socialization from the KPP to PKP or taxpayers

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Undang-Undang Nomor 42 Tahun 2009 tentang Perubahan Ketiga Atas Undang- Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1983 Tentang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang dan Jasa dan Pajak Penjualan Atas Barang Mewah.




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