Analisis Penerapan Aplikasi CEISA Manifest dalam Pelaporan Inward Manifest dan Outward Manifest di PT Samudera Agencies Indonesia Cabang Tanjung Priok

Bela Hari Murti, Resista Vikaliana


The purpose of this research is to determine a) Application of CEISA manifest module application in PT Samudera Agencies Indonesia Tanjung Priok branch b) Procedure to fill CEISA manifest module application c) Benefits from the application of CEISA manifest module application d) Obstacles encountered while using CEISA manifest module application. The research method used was descriptive qualitative study with data collecting techniques were interviews and documentation study. Data collecting instrument of this research were in the form of interview guideline and documentation study sheets. Data analysis techniques were data reduction, data display, and data verification. Data validity test technique were Triangulation and member check. The research result shows that a) Application of CEISA manifest module application has run well and correctly b) Procedure to fill CEISA manifest module application is according to the filling guidebook provided by the customs c) Many benefits obtained from the application of CEISA manifest module application d) Obstacles encountered can be communicated directly to the customs by WhatsApp group or by online chat service provided by the customs which is chat via Independent Information Service System (SLIM). Based on the research above, Researcher made some suggestion which are a) Improve the CEISA manifest module application system in order not to occur data loss problem or the inconsistencies of the data manifest b) Increase the personnel number in order that the job can be done optimally c) Improve the internet network in order that the connection will not be disconnected while the reporting data to the customs.


CEISA Manifest; inward manifest; outward manifest

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