Pengaruh Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Kain Terhadap Proses Produksi Pada PT. Ratna Dewi Tunggal Abadi

Riza Ramadhanty, yuli evitha


The study aimed to investigate the effect of grey (greige) fabric raw material supply control on production process at PT Ratna Dewi Tunggal Abadi. The population of the study was all of the employees of production and warehouse division. The number of research samples was 55 people with non-probability sampling technique, namely saturated sampling. Saturated sampling is a sampling technique by using all members of the population as the samples. The independent variable of the study was Fabric Raw Material Supply Control and the dependent variable was Production Process. The result of simple regression test obtained Y = 5.073 + 0.555X meaning that the value of 5.073 and 0.555 stating that the effect of variable X on Y was positive. Based on regression analysis (t-test), it was found that tcalculate > ttable, namely 1.765 > 1.674 with significant value < 0.05, namely 0.000, meaning that fabric raw material supply control had effect on production process at PT Ratna Dewi Tunggal Abadi. The determination coefficient (R2) had value of 0.423 that showed that the value of the effect of fabric raw material supply control variable on production process variable was 42.3%, while the remaining 57.7% was affected by other objects.


Raw Material Supply Control; Production

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Sumber Jurnal Referensi

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