Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Harbolnas untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Toko Online di masa Pandemi Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic makes online shops have to have a strategy in marketing their products. One of these strategies is to carry out a massive promotion with the headline National Online Shopping Day (Harbolnas). At the time of Harbolnas 12 December 2020, the 2 largest online stores in Indonesia, Shopee and Lazada, carried out massive promotions through 5 television stations, namely RCTI, SCTV, Indosiar, ANTV and MNCTV. This study focuses on the implementation of Harbolnas in terms of marketing communication strategies, combining promotional media through top line advertising using television media, and bottom line advertising through sales promotion. As a result, there was an increase in visitors to Shopee and Lazada. In the first hour Shopee had more than 3 million visitors. Meanwhile, through Lazada Garbolnas, Lazada sellers experienced an increase in sales of more than 100 percent.
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