Peran Kebijakan Fiskal dalam Mengatasi Resesi Ekonomi di Indonesia
In line with the objectives of the national economic system, fiscal policy can be used as a major instrument in addition to monetary policy to achieve national goals, especially those that are more of an economic purpose. In this era of democracy the role of fiscal policy in influencing the economy in Indonesia has brought about massive changes in Indonesia's development system. The previously very centralized policy pattern has also gained reform through decentralized policies. Basically this change in fiscal policy is largely determined by the government's involvement in economic activity, this is in accordance with the role of the government to realize the welfare of its people, one of which is by using an appropriate fiscal policy instrument. But in its implementation, fiscal policies that have been carried out tend to be incidental without proper planning and not in accordance with the main guidelines, namely the constitution of the 1945 Constitution. In connection with the above, this research will describe the objectives of fiscal policy in the development of democracy and how the role of policy fiscal in the overcome the economic recession in Indonesia. This study uses a normative juridical approach. It is said to be normative juridical because this study uses only secondary data sources, namely legislation, theories and opinions of leading scholars and experts. In addition, this study also uses a qualitative Qualitative approach because it is a process of analyzing data without using formulas and numbers derived from information from the literature study, namely data taken from relevant agencies and observations in research conducted with the problems discussed. that. The results of the study show that fiscal policy in democratic development in Indonesia aims to increase employment opportunities, increase and distribute national income, increase the rate of investment, and improve economic stability, in addition in the overcome the economic recession in Indonesia Fiscal policies play a role in encouraging the achievement of development targets which have been set. This role is in line with one of the APBN functions as a means of maintaining stability and accelerating economic performance so that economic growth can be achieved, creating jobs, alleviating poverty, organizing government programs or plans effectively, efficiently, and effectively and avoiding corruption.
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