Kepemimpinan Berciri Kampus Penggerak dalam Konteks Universitas Hkbp Nommensen Pematangsiantar

Mungkap Mangapul Siahaan, Melda Veby Ristella Munthe


Leadership is characterized by a driving campus to initiate a change in leadership style in the context of leadership at HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar University. The leadership model contained in the leadership management system as the embodiment of the University's Renstra and Renop underwent a dynamic development causal as survival grants in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Leadership applications that have been running so far are Koinonia, Marturia and Diakonia with the motto "Pro Deo Et Patria" undergoing a transformation for the sustainability and resilience of the entire Tri Darma program of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar University. The leadership model is characterized by a driving campus as an alternative to strengthen its existence in maintaining and promoting empowerment, community, and serving. With real action and mutual cooperation with all elements within the University body, leadership is characterized by a driving campus that can improve performance, generate learning innovations and increase achievements.


empowerment, community, serving, motivation, innovation and achievement.

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