Budaya Batak Toba Sebagai Basis Model Kepemimpinan Milenial

Apriani Sijabat, Ady Frenly Simanullang, Asima Rohana Sinaga


Leadership is influencing people or followers, so that people behave in their desired manner. This study aims to see Batak Toba culture as a basic model of millennial leadership. The benefits of this scientific work are to see Batak culture as having basic concepts in the millennial leadership style model. Batak culture to help and control the lives of the Toba Batak people is not only in the context of customary ties, but also in the economic, religious, political, and even bureaucratic fields. The use of the d Switcha Na tolu culture in the administration of the bureaucracy will make it difficult for someone to run and implement formal rules or regulate and regulate customary rules. The strong influence of the divert na tolu culture on the Toba Batak people is likely to regulate customs in the administration of the bureaucracy. Therefore, in the context of a modern and rational public bureaucracy, the Toba Batak people will often face difficulties and moral and ethical dilemmas between discipline and bureaucratic rules and customary moral orders. The role of the Millennial Generation in Batak Toba culture is based on the cultural philosophy of the Toba Batak people, namely Hagebon, Hamoran, and Hasangapon. Principle 3- "H" is the philosophy of ethnicity of the Batak ethnic community of the Toba Batak Adat which means welfare, honor and dignity, as well asancestry.


Batak Toba culture, millennial leadership model, diversion na tolu

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