PERANq KEPEMIMPINANq BATAKq TOBA (Studiq Eksplorasiq padaq Universitasq HKBPq Nommensenq Pematangsiantar)

Theresia Monika Siahaan, Herna Febrianty Sianipar, Apriani Sijabat, Christa Voni Roulinaq Sinaga


The is writing aims to know the role of batak leadership over at HKBP university nommensen the batak headhunters. The purpose of the imi writing is to know the understanding and views of the campus leader faith with batak leadership began from identifying the teachers' perceptions of the practice of leadership based on values based in batak culture that is the root of batak people has an important role in the establishment of character leaders in Indonesia. The lead on nlai practice in batak culture has become an integral part of ownership of batak customs -- the conclusion adopted by imi's letter that the three batak cultural elements of the somba marboru and marboru hula and tubu have already reflected the cultural role of the batak people at HKBP university nommensen Siphon signin


Laedership, Batak, Toba

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