Implementasi Kepemimpinan Profetik Sebagai Alternatif Berdasarkan Kasih Bagi Mahasiswa Universitas Hkbp Nommensen Pematangsiantar

Herna Febrianty Sianipar, Juni Agus Simarema, Theresia Monika Siahaan, Apriani Sijabat


The aim of the imi writing is to discuss technical leadership on HKBP university students nommensen of prepared prepared prepared, through the example of Jesus Christ taught in lectures, the teaching of mi's method of articles is the literature study of various references to Jesus Christ's exemplary model of leadership, which is about love for his fellow human human leadership through college, densities of education and leadership. The company's leading lead to an economic growth of 6.3 percent would be needed to improve its growth and improve its development


Leadership, Profession,Student

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