Pemanfaatan Artificial Intelligence Dalam Pengembangan E-Commerce

Rahadi Pratomo Singgih, Mira Permata Sari


The development of the times in the current digital era cannot be denied, one of which is in the field of E-commerce. As the largest E-commerce market in Southeast Asia, Indonesia's contribution reaches 50% of transactions throughout the region. E-commerce is an industry that uses the application of Artificial Intelligence or AI technology to support its activities. Until now, not many people have researched the application of AI in e-commerce.  Therefore this research is intended to answer the questions of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is implemented in the E-commerce platform and what are the obstacles encountered in the application of AI technology. This is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was obtained through in-depth interviews with E-commerce platform managers of Lazada, Bukalapak, Tokopedia, Blibli and Shopee. The results of the study show that these five E-commerce platforms prioritize chatbot as an AI technology because a quick response to customers can improve the quality of the E-commerce platform. In addition, AI is related to providing product recommendations that are relevant to what customers need and AI for product search technology using images or visual search. While the obstacle encountered is the lack of socialization and training about AI to the wider community, especially Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) players, so that AI technology is still considered only for large-scale businesses.


Artificial Intelligence, E Commerce, platform

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