Implementation Of Agile Planning And Accounting In The Era Of Digital Information

Heksawan Rahmadi, Iin Andrayanti, Imam Susanto


Agile, flexible and responsive business processes can provide more value to clients and quickly adapt to changes in the business environment to meet client needs and create a competitive advantage. This disruptive situation is not a new case for the accounting sector. Even before the pandemic, this sector was already disrupted due to the rise of digitalization which threatened business continuity. Accountants' jobs have a 98% chance of being computerized. As a result, journal keeping, report data entry, report reconciliation, auditing, and risk assessment that were previously done manually, are slowly being replaced by accounting software with Artificial Intelligence or machine learning technology that is gaining popularity. These things make accounting service companies no longer monopolize accounting knowledge because accountants are not the only ones who can collect data and summarize financial reports.Introduction. This research was made with the main purpose of wanting to know how the application of business agility can affect the company and how information technology can affect business agility, especially in the field of accounting and business planning itself. The study is based on the concept and philosophy of Agile, whose theoretical basis has been formed in the investigation of Taipaleenmäki, J. (2017) and best reflects the principles and consequences of the methodology in accounting systems. The most common effect of Agile implementation in accounting systems is the optimization of costs for financial results. Qualitative effects of the implementation of this concept include the integration of accounting processes in all subsystems: suppliers, customers, personnel, the embodiment of innovations in the company; accounting acts as a mediator.


Agile Leadership, Accounting, Digital Era

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Fuchs, C. (2019), Adapting (to) Agile Methods: Exploring the Interplay of Agile Methods and Organizational Features. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. doi:10.24251/hicss.2019.842

Taipaleenmäki, J. (2017) Towards Agile Management Accounting: A Research Note on Accounting Agility, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, pp. 175-204.


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