The Urgency Of Agile Leadership Skills For Political Organization Cadres In Creating Quality Leaders In A Disruptive Era

Panji Hendrarso, Baby Poernomo, Nataya Premchaipornc


This research is aimed at answering the questions of whether political organization cadres have agile leadership skills, and what strategies political organizations should implement so that their cadres have agile leadership skills. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with 11 informants consisting of political party cadres and political observers. The research results show that there are still many PAN political party cadres who do not have agile leadership. This is in accordance with the results of interviews and documentation analysis that quite a lot of cases occurred as a result of the lack of agile leadership skills of party cadres, namely corruption, drug problems and online gambling problems. The leadership quality of these party cadres must be improved through character building training so that each can become an agile leader.


Agile Leadership Skills, Political Organization, Disruptive Era

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