Urgency Of Agile Leadership Training Using The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model For Village Heads To Accelerate Development

Nina Kurnia, Nurfitri Rahmawati, Jeruth Ngonzi Tinka


This research is aimed at answering the question of how the village head is currently performing and how agile leadership training should be implemented with a Kirkpatrick evaluation. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with staff from Village Head Offices in 5 provinces. This regional difference was applied because researchers wanted to explore whether the leadership quality of village heads differed from one village to another. The results of this research indicate that the quality of regional heads in terms of leadership has not met expectations. This can be seen from their inability to adapt to rapid changes. The four aspects of agile leadership competency, namely context setting agility, stakeholder agility, creative agility and self-leadership agility have not been implemented properly. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out agile leadership training using the Kirkpatrick evaluation model for village heads so that accelerated development can be achieved.


Agile Leadership, Training, Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model

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