Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia di Perguruan Tinggi menuju Era VUCA : Studi Fenomenologi Pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta

Panji Hendrarso


Towards the VUCA era, the world of education is facing a learning system dilemma, from traditional to digital. Higher Education HR Management at the top up to the lowest level as an academic support must be able to work hard especially in this VUCA era in which higher education HR management focuses its work not only on managing the potential of lecturers in teaching and learning, but also building student character so that students not only smart, knowledgeable, and superior, but also responsible, ethical, and more resilient in facing the disruptive era. This research aims at answering the questions of what challenges faced by lecturers in facing the VUCA era and how universities prepare lecturers to be able to carry out their tasks professionally towards the VUCA era. The phenomenological approach of qualitative research design that emphasizes the experience of participants is employed in this study. This research found that lecturers must improve their qualities towards the VUCA era by possessing soft skills (non-technical), digital literacy and VUCA prima ( Vision, Understanding, Clarity, and Agility). For further research, the researcher recommends a deeper study of how a training program as an effort to improve the quality of lecturers can be done deeply with a different approach.


Human resources, VUCA, disruptive era.

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