Talent Management Perusahaan Multinasional Menuju Era New Normal : Tantangan dan Peluang
Covid-19 pandemic shows the unpreparedness of almost all business sectors and social life in responding to and managing changes that have not happened before. However, the arrival of the new normal era, is seen as a new challenge in several aspects including aspects of the world of work. Therefore, companies in this case Human Resources (HR) and employees are required to adapt to new work patterns. A new strategy in talent management is also demanded to manage human resources to be more productive and have loyalty to the company. This study aims at answering the questions of what challenges faced by multinational companies in implementing talent management systems towards the new normal era and how talent management strategies seize opportunities so that the company's operational processes can continue to run, since the success of an organization is determined by the highly talented human power. In this research, a case study approach of a qualitative research design is employed and a semi-structured interview is used to dig deeper the challenges and opportunities faced by multinational companies so that they will have superior and competitive human resources who have resilience in the disruptive era. The research found that talents, competencies and the ability to implement VUCA prime are the crucial factors to manage the human resources for sustainable business development. For future research, it is recommended to conduct studies on how multinational companies create standardized applications of talent management systems with a different approach.
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