Peran Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Menyiapkan Pemimpin Masa Depan menghadapi Era VUCA

Baby Poernomo


Universities and colleges must prepare for the disruptive era, an era where a lot of 'disruptions' are caused by changes that occur more frequently. One driver of this change is progress in the field of communication technology, which is also changing the tertiary education landscape. Of course the changes that occur must be addressed wisely so that universities can respond to the challenges of the times. This study aims at answering the questions how universities prepare students as nation's resources to be ready to face the VUCA era and what factors must be prepared so that students have the competencies needed in the VUCA era. In this research,  a case study approach is employed and a semi-structured interview is used to understand how university students experienced the phenomenon. This research proves that students as future leaders who are ready to challenge the VUCA era, must have abilities of hard skills and soft skills, added with every element of positive VUCA namely, vision, understanding, clarity, and agility in the era of disruption. This research contributes significantly to the development of human resources in higher education. For further research, it is recommended to conduct a study of how universities prepare model of leadership training in the VUCA era with different approach.


Disruption era, future leaders, higher education institutions, VUCA.

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