Implementasi Manajemen Turnaround untuk Memperoleh Keunggulan Bersaing Menuju Era New Normal : Studi Kasus pada Sumber Daya Manusia di Perusahaan Swasta Nasional
The Covid 19 pandemic has hit all sectors of people's lives, and the economy. In addition, a pandemic also influences the behavior and patterns of economic, business and business opportunities. Therefore, the entire industry is required to be always creative and innovative both in terms of products and product marketing mechanisms in order to survive in the midst of a pandemic. In addition, businesses must also begin to adjust their lives to current conditions or live in a new normal era. This study aims at answering the questions of how turnaround management can be implemented so that companies have a competitive advantage and can live in a new normal era and what factors must be considered in implementing turnaround management in terms of human resources.. This research uses a case study approach from a qualitative research design. Semi-structured interviews are used to understand what cases occur in a company when facing a pandemic and what efforts are being made to face a new normal era. This research proves that change management through creativity, innovation, and rapid adaptability can support a company's competitive advantage towards a new normal era. This study also offers recommendations for further research.
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