E-Government and the Metaverse: Opportunities, Challenges and Digital Innovations

Achmad Barlian, Deki Satria, Joni Haryanto, Muhammad Ilham Aji Faturahman, Bisma Widyawan


This research explores metaverse technology's potential, challenges, and innovations in electronic government (e-government). The study analyzed articles published between 2021 and 2024 and identified that metaverse technology can improve accessibility, transparency, and public participation through interactive platforms such as virtual city halls and digital twins. In addition, blockchain technology with a "zero trust" approach offers better data security, thereby increasing user trust in digital services.However, the study also found significant challenges, including infrastructure gaps, low digital literacy, and a lack of mature regulatory frameworks, especially in developing countries. This study recommends strengthening digital infrastructure, providing digital literacy training, and developing an adaptive legal framework involving cross-sector collaboration to answer these challenges. The study concludes that the Metaverse has great potential to revolutionize e-government by creating more efficient, transparent, and inclusive public services. However, its successful implementation requires a comprehensive strategic approach. These findings make an important contribution to developing theory and practice related to the digital transformation of government.


e-government, digital transformation, digital literacy, blockchain, Metaverse, regulation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31334/ijsscs.v1i1.4478


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