This research aim to determine : (1) the effect of trust toward on purchasing decisions on Tokopedia at Central Jakarta. (2) the effect od perceived risk towardon purchasing decisions on Tokopedia at Cental Jakarta. (3) the effect of trust and perceived risk toward on purchasing decisions on Tokopedia at Central Jakarta. The type of research used in this study was a survey. The population in this study was citizens of Central Jakarta familiar with site. The total sample of 150 people. The data collection technique used in this study was quuestionnaire that has been tasted for validly and reliability. The data analysis technique employed in this study to answer the hypothesis was multiple regressions. The result of this study shows that : (1) There is a positive effect of trust toward on purchasing decisions on Tokopedia at Central Jakarta. It is proven from the value of 4,020 with 0,000 significance value of less than 0,05 (0,000<0,05). (2) There is a negative effect of perceived risk toward on purchasing decisions on Tokopedia at Central Jakarta. It is proven from the value of -0,796 with 0,428 significance value of more than 0,05 (0,428>0,05). (3) There is a positive effect of trust and perceived risk toward on purchasing decisions on Tokopedia at Central Jakarta. It is proven from the value of 8,354 with 0,000 significance value of less than 0,05 (0,000<0,05). Based on this, it is recommended to continue to boost consumer confidence by minimizing the risks that exist in electronic commerce transactions in order to achieve customer satisfaction so that recommend the purchase to others.
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