Analisis Penyusutan Aktiva Tetap dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Laba Perusahaan pada PT Aneka Gas Industri

Adila Rahmawaty, Dewi Sri Woelandari Pantjolo Giningroem, Resista Vikaliana, Novita Wahyu Setyawati


The study is to know the relationship between a depreciation of the company's fixed activity with its profits, the design of the study USES a quantitative approach with a retroactive correlational research type, the data used is the company's and the Indonesian stock exchange. The sample in this study is the international monetary report on the 2010-2014 period of 2010-2014Research shows that depreciation remains significantly affected profits.Companies or may be defined that the greater value of depreciation of fixed enterprise can affect the profit value of the company


Diminished Activation; Profit Company; Naturaln Gas Industry

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Sumber internet

Bursa Efek Indonesia, PT, Laporan Keuangan PT Aneka Gas Industri Tahun 2010 s/d 2014



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