Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Class Based Storage Terhadap Peningkatan Utilitas Gudang di PT Mata Panah Indonesia

Julio Kemklyano, Cundo Harimurti, I Nyoman Purnaya


The study aims to find out how much the application of the method of class based storage has affected increased storage utility in Indonesia's pt. As for non-monetary non-monetary variables, the implementation of the method of class based storage and unassigned variables is the increasing utility of this research storage using a methodative with a population of all employees at the warehouse section in Indonesia's pt arrows. A sample of 30 people with a saturated sample technique based on test t that values t count > t table (3,701 > 2.048). It can be concluded that ho was rejected and h1 received, or found. Effects between the application of a class based storage method on an increased storage unit.


Application of class based methods Storage; utility improvementsstorehouse

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