Pendekatan Konsep Lean untuk Mengurangi Waste Transportasi dengan Optimasi Truk (Studi Kasus Di Perusahaan Distributor PT. XYZ)

Benny Kusmayadi, Resista Vikaliana


The objective of this study is to find out the implementation of lean concept in order to reduce waste transportation by optimizing truck at distribution company. This study used qualitative approach with survey and interview to some authorized informants in their respective company. From result of interview identified that there remains finding waiting time in process of product distribution caused by delay arrival of the fleets, limited staging and loading and unloading activities of goods with a bulk method needs longer time. The objective of this study is to find out type of waste occurred in the flow of product distribution. From anaconda and fishbone analysis found that the most influential waste during the flow process is waiting time. Then, it is found improvement recommendation with use of product distribution method to be maximized with use of palletization to prevent mixed product and avoid defect product in the process of loading and unloading activities, thereby loading and unloading process becomes effective and efficient, and found recommendation the implementation of optimization of truck utility with use of time window, therefore transportation costs could be reduced with improvement of the implementation of truck optimization.


5 optimization of Truck, Fishbone Diagram; Lean Distribution; Waste Transportation

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