Implementasi Kewajiban Perpajakan Orang Pribadi Dari Penghasilan Multi Profesi

Sunarmin -- Sunarmin


One of the main objectives of making this Final Project Report is to find out whether the Implementation of Calculation, Depositing and Reporting of Annual Personal Tax Return on Income Originating from Mr. X's Multi Profession in 2019. And to achieve that goal, the writer has observed and cited documents. From the observations made by the author, it can be concluded that the Implementation of Calculation, Depositing and Reporting of Annual Annual Personal Tax Returns Income originating from

Mr. X's Multi Profession in 2019 is not in accordance with the provisions of

the Law and Regulation of the Minister of Finance. Because it is not appropriate, the authors suggest that Mr. X do the Correction 1 tax return

for the mistakes and problems faced by Mr. X in his taxation obligations.


Income Tax, Personal Annual Tax Return

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