Benarkah Kebijakan Fiskal Islam Efektif Menghadapi Resesi? (Kontekstualisasi Kebijakan Fiskal Sesuai Shariah)

Taufik Aris Saputra, Aang Kunaifi, Abd. Rosyid


This aims of the paper to describing the fiscal policies which is implemented during Islamic rule from the Prophet Muhammad era than followed by khulafaur rashidin, Umayyad, abbasid, and ottoman. Through this description, the Islamic fiscal contextualization is analyzed based on its characteristics so that it becomes a strategic idea and also an alternative to solve the economic recession. The importance of looking for fiscal policy alternatives is caused by ineffectiveness of fiscal policy in a capitalistic system, wherever it can be proven by the high poverty rate, gaps and deficits which tend to increase.

To compile a historical description and contextualization of Islamic fiscal policy, literature studies from relevant sources are used combined with data and conceptualization of Islamic economists obtained from books, presentation slides, journals, and media articles.

Overall, all data sources provide information that the basis for fiscal policy in Islam comes from the Qur'an, hadith, and the policies of the khulafaur rashidin. The policies during the leadership period after them are effective examples of fiscal policies that can be contextualized today. Thus, it is hoped that Islamic fiscal policy can be used as an alternative in facing recessions and creating prosperity..


Islam, Fiscal, Recession, Contextualization.

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