Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Perusahaan Fintech Pendanaan Xyz di Era Vuca

Helmi Azahari, Endah Fantini, Samsudin Samsudin


The era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) is an era of uncertainty. One by one the industry closed due to the influence of advances in information technology. Facing the VUCA era requires the presence of a leader who has an agile concept, a leader who is agile in dealing with all uncertainties. Financial technology or fintech is a new business in the VUCA era. The presence of fintech makes it easy for people in the financial services sector. This research was conducted to find out what is the leadership style in the XYZ funding fintech company, and whether there is a correlation between leadership style and employee performance. This research was conducted using quantitative methods, by performing a frequency distribution test and simple regression analysis. The research sample was conducted using an error rate of 5%. The results obtained conclusions, 60 percent of respondents admitted that the leadership style in the XYZ funding fintech company was a task style. In addition, there is also a significant influence between work leadership style and employee performance in the XYZ funding fintech company, following the equation Y = 8,436 + 0.578 X + et. That is, if the leadership style variable is assumed to be fixed, then the employee's performance will increase by 8,436. Meanwhile, the results of simple regression analysis show that the value of tcount is 7,603 > ttable is 1,671, with a significant level of 0,000. The significance level is <0.05, which means that the hypothesis in this study rejects Hο and accepts Ha. Thus, it means that the leadership style hypothesis has a direct and significant effect on employee performance


Leadership Style, Employee Performance, VUCA

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