Peran Kepemimpinan “Terpuk Siwaluh Telu Sada Kundulen” dalam Pengambilan Keputusan di Desa Sukajulu

Yop Harris


Each village is generally led by the Village Head as the village government. Of course, the village head must have members who are often known as village officials. Sukajulu Village, Barus Jahe District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra Province is one of the villages led by the Village Head. But it turns out that in the village of Sukajulu it is also still led by its former leader known as Terpuk Siwaluh Telu Sada Kundulen. Terpuk is a title for someone who is considered to know and understand certain aspects such as aspects of culture, customs, aspects of governance and others in a village. Terpuk, who is also known as a community leader in the Batak Karo tribe in Sukajulu Village, has existed since the Dutch colonial era and they were village leaders before the Village Head. This type of research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The purpose of this qualitative research is to understand the problem under study so that it can provide input into a deeper picture of the symptoms and description to be studied. The purpose of this study is to determine and interpret the leadership role of Terpuk Siwaluh Telu Sada Kundulend in decision making in Sukajulu Village. The data collection technique was carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and literature study. The research location is in Sukajulu Village, Barus Jahe District, Karo Regency. Meanwhile, data interpretation is done by using notes from each field result. From the findings of the data in the field, based on the theory, the role of pukuk is an actor in the leadership structure in Sukajulu Village. This is due to the fact that the village community has become their representative to monitor, support, make decisions and carry out village development together with the Village Head as the representative of the government. Terpuk, which was a social institution in Sukajulu Village in the past and is still trusted by the community as community leaders. Even so, the relationship between the Village Head and the Pukuk is still harmonious and mutually supportive to this day.

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