Research Trend Of Business Startup Performance: Bibliometric Analysis

Harry Yulianto, Sumardi Sumardi, Idayanti Nursyamsi, Erlina Pakki


This paper has analyzed research trends regarding business startup performance in 2000-2023. The aims of this study were to identify: (1) the trend of publication of startup performance in the Google Scholar database in 2000-2023; (2) publishers that publish the most startup performances; (3) researchers who actively examine startup performance; (4) most cited article titles, (5) publication network map based on startup performance keywords. Research on startup performance was still lacking, while the phenomenon indicates the number of startups was growing, but it has not been used as an object of research, especially in strategic management. Data collection through Google Scholar uses Publish or Perish with the keyword "startup performance". Research data includes the number of publications per year, journal name, author name, year of publication, publisher, and number of citations. Furthermore, the data was analyzed using Excel. Analysis of publication trends using VOSviewer. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The results indicate: (1) publications with the theme of startup performance in the Google Scholar database for 2000-2023 totaling 172 articles; (2) Elsevier was the publisher which publishes the most articles on startup performance; (3) writers who actively research startup performance, such us: individuals (Aaron Chatterji) and collaborations (Joonkyu Choi, Nathan Goldschlag, John C. Haltiwanger, and J. Daniel Kim); (4) Ming Mao and Marty Humphrey's article entitled “A Performance Study on The VM Startup Time in The Cloud” was the most cited (675 citations); and (5) there were five clusters that have the opportunity to become gap research related to startup performance themes (business, business startup performance, entrepreneur, post startup performance, social capital, startup performance, venture, performance evaluation, role, and rapid startup performance). The research results have implications for further research that the theme of startup performance was still rarely researched, and it has the potential to be a new research in the field of strategic management.


business, startup performance, bibliometric, strategic management.

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