The Influence Of Digital Marketing Challenges Through Instagram Media On The 5.0 Era
Understanding and introduction to challenges of digital marketing is considered important in dealing with marketing developments in the digital era based on internet technology. On the other hand, a marketer in the ejra of society 5.0 must have intercultural empathy and be able to learn new cultures and must be proficient in using technology. The development of the political world of information and communication technology has experienced digital transformation that has changed the industrial order (Fukuyama 2018). This phenomenon ultimately builds an idea about technology (digitalization) and humans living side by side so as to create a more valuable life (Ellitan 2020). The goal is for the public to be more aware of the presence of the era of society 5.0 where this era is very fast paced with digital technology. This is done to determine the effect of the variable (Y) era 5.0. In the era of society 5.0, it provides opportunities and creates a new lifestyle for the community. In this study, the theory used is the theory of Denis Mqquails which states that "new media theory is a type of media that uses digital technology, for example social media and internet usage". Where this era will affect people's lifestyles in a more practical and fast way, because the influence of digital marketing certainly provides opportunities and challenges for the younger generation as well as utilizing innovative technology. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Marketing have an influence on Era 5.0 by 64.3% while 35.7% are influenced by Instagram MediaKeywords : promotion, price, consumer decision, Muslimah salon, Covid 19 pandemic.
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