The Role Of Leadership Style And Self-Efficacy In Increasing Job Satisfaction And Organizational Commitment Of Village Aparatus In Sumbawa Island Post Pandemi Covid 19
This research examines the influence of leadership style practices and self-efficacy levels on the level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of village officials after the Covid 19 pandemic. Geographically, this research is limited to Sumbawa Island, which has 5 regencies/districts. city. The goal to be achieved in this study is to analyze the effect of 4 variables consisting of 2 exogenous variables and 2 endogenous variables . The sample size for this study was 120 village officials who served in villages with developing status . The approach used is quantitative , with the aim of obtaining accurate data both at the stages of collection and analysis . The results showed that: (1) there was a positive and significant effect of leadership style and self-efficacy on the job satisfaction of village officials, and (2) there was a positive and significant effect of leadership style and self-efficacy on the organizational commitment of village officials on Sumbawa Island after the covid pandemic 19.
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