Alternatif Tools AI dalam Copywriting dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Impulse Buying dan Repurchase pada Gen Z

Dewi Nurbaiti, Edwin Sholeh Rahmanullah


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has been very developed at this time. One of them is the emergence of several alternative AI tools that are used to help make copywriting in making captions for promotions in digital media. With the help of AI Tools, copywriting will become easier, which is expected to trigger impulse buying and repurchasing, especially for Generation Z. As we know, Generation Z is an active user of social media and digital media.


Copywriting, aritificial intelligent, Promotion, Impulse Buying, Generasi Z

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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ilmu Sosial dan Politik [JIMSIPOL] Vol 2 Nomor 3 Maret

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