In line with the era of globalization and the development of the business world, as a consequence, more and more problems will be faced by a company in an increasingly competitive and complex business competition, so this situation requires leaders or company management to be able to manage their company activities effectively and efficiently to achieve the goals set (Usman, 2013). This study was conducted by quantitative research methods. The quantitative method is called the traditional method, because it has been used long enough that it has been used as a method for research. internal control variable (X1). The lowest value (minimum) resulting from the Internal control variable of 36 and the highest (maximum) 63 in addition to the average (mean) application of Internal Control showed a value of 51.96 with a standard deviation of 5.64.The value of anti - fraud Awareness (X2) is the lowest (minimum) of 7 and the highest (maximum) of 15 in addition to the average (mean) antifraud Awareness shows a value of 11.30 with a standard deviation of 1.607. Employee integrity value (X3) the lowest (minimum) of 10 and the highest (maximum) of 18 in addition to the average (mean) employee integrity of 14.30 with a standard deviation of 1.961. As for the variable prevention of fraud (fraud) (Y) the lowest value (minimum) produced by 8 and the highest (maximum) 20 in addition to the average (mean) prevention of fraud (fraud) of 14, 80 with a standard deviation of 2.312.
Wareness, Integrity, Fraud
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