Uswatun Khasanah


This study aims to determine the price and quality of the product on the profitability of chicken meat traders at Gunung Sahari Market in Central Jakarta. The research methods used in this study are qualitative methods and quantitative methods. According to Sugiyono (2013) the two methods can be used together or combined. The results of data processing carried out using the SPSS 22 for windows program, then obtained r = 0.081 with a determinant coefficient of 81% and the remaining 19%, for the regression value obtained = 36,721 + 0.013 X1 + 0.158 X2 and obtained fcount = 37.391 > Ftable 0.201 then H01 is rejected. This shows that there is a significant effect between Price (X1) and Product Quality (X2) together (simultaneously) on Profitability (Y). From the results of the hypothesis H1 obtained tcount = 0.165 < ttable 0.869, then H01 is rejected and Ha1 so it can be concluded that Price (X1) has no partial significance effect on Profitability (Y). The results of hypothesis testing H2 obtained tcount = 2.335 > ttable 0.022, then H02 is rejected and Ha2 is accepted, it can be concluded that Product Quality (X2) has a significant relationship to Profitability (Y). While the hypothesis test H3 Based on the results of the existing analysis shows that Price (X1) and Product Quality (X2) together have a positive and significant effect on Profitability (Y) with a value of 37,391.


Price, and Product Quality, on Profitability

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