A. H. Rahadian


Efforts to revitalize the bureaucracy, including in institutional arrangements, good governance has become the main reference, especially in the context of building effective collaboration between 3 (three) main pillars, namely government, private sector, and civil society by carrying out values such as competence, transparency , accountability, participation, rule of law, and social justice.

          The transformation of government bureaucracy needs to continue to be directed into changes from old designs that are less conducive to new designs that are more conducive to continually developing innovation, managing innovation and managing risk and organizational integration in building collaboration and synergy. The transformation of government bureaucracy is not merely downsizing and procedural, but more fundamental to work patterns, organizational culture and strategic values developed. The transformation of government bureaucracy plays a strategic role in increasing national competitiveness, in institutional (institutional) approaches, 'traffic' of state administration from the executive 'down' to Administrative Policy, where organizational transformation with work culture and governance is the decisive determinant its success.

          The concept of e-governance is to create friendly, comfortable, transparent and inexpensive interactions between G2C-government to citizens, government and business enterprises (G2B-government to business enterprises) and intergovernmental relations (G2G-inter-agency relationship )

          Revitalization of bureaucracy through e-governance offers an alternative strategy to change work patterns and bureaucratic behavior. The government's good will to implement e-governance in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, became a determining factor in its implementation. Then the Government policy through the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap, it turns out, is still facing obstacles, especially not enough human resources (HR) are sufficient in the managerial aspects of site management.


Revitalization of bureaucracy, transformation bureaucracy e-governance, industrial revolution 4.0.

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