Impact Of Transformational Leadership And Dimentions Organization : Response To Global Changes

Ahmadi Aidi, Redjeki Agoestyowati, Ahmad Junaidi, Agus Budiwaluyo, Imam Susanto


The focus of writing this article is on transformational leadership. Transformational leadership practices are the only type of leadership that can help a leader build a team and communicate organizational goals, values, and procedures. Transformational leadership practices have leaders and followers, who support each other related to teamwork in a collaboration that focuses on the common good and achieving organizational goals.

Writing method is using a theoretical approach. Writing is done by conducting studies of various theories sourced from books or literature and from various official journals related to the results of researchers' research on transformational leadership. Before the writing was done, a focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted to discuss various literature and journals related to transformational leadership.

The results of this paper conclude that transformational leadership is leadership that has a vision and mission for the future and is able to identify changes in the existing environment and is able to transform these changes into the organization, make changes and provide motivation and inspiration to its followers to be creative, innovative, and brave and responsible. by working optimally to achieve organizational goals.

Suggestions that can be given to organizational leaders is that they should practice transformational leadership, take the time to understand each of their followers and then take advantage of it by developing it and growing the entire organization. Practicing transformational leadership will help improve team building by emphasizing relationships among followers.



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