Scholar Results Related To Agile Leadership In The Era Of Disruption In Developing Country
landscape of developing countries during times of disruption. By synthesizing findings from
various scholarly journals, the paper aims to provide insights into the challenges and
opportunities faced by leaders in adapting to the unique socio-economic context of the country.
Emphasizing effective strategies for leaders to thrive amidst disruption, the study sheds light on
the nuanced integration of Agile Leadership principles. Addressing the urgent need for effective
leadership in the face of rapid disruption in developing countries, the study seeks to answer the
research question: How can Agile Leadership principles be adeptly applied to foster
organizational resilience within the developing countries' business environment? This paper fills
a critical gap in the existing literature by offering a fresh examination of adaptive leadership
styles, agile methodologies integration, and the role of organizational culture in the context of
developing countries' specific challenges. The research contributes novelty by synthesizing
diverse scholarly perspectives and methodologies, offering a unique lens on Agile Leadership in
developing countries. The study employs a rigorous review of scholarly journals, systematically
analyzing existing literature to provide comprehensive insights. Through this approach, the paper
not only uncovers common themes but also highlights the necessity for adaptive leadership, the
integration of agile methodologies, and the crucial role of organizational culture in navigating
disruption within the developing countries' business landscape.
Full Text:
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