Strategy For Handling Destination Branding In Jatiluhur Reservoir As A Local Tourist Attraction In Purwakarta District, West Java

RD.D. Lokita Pramesti Dewi, Adzan Desar Deryansyah, Ambarwati Ambarwati


Tourism significantly contributes to a country as one of the economic driving sectors. The growth of tourism and the movement of millions of people on tourist trips indirectly also requires the government and tourist destination managers to consistently improve the quality of tourism, both in terms of destinations, industry, institutions, and marketing. So far, foreign tourists are familiar with tourist destinations in Bali and Lombok. However, many tourist destinations in Indonesia must be introduced to their full potential. For example, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, Aceh, and one tourist spot that is no less interesting is the Jatiluhur Reservoir Tourism Area in the Purwakarta District, West Java province. As an effort, brand management is needed to improve the image and attractiveness of a tourist destination. Apart from functioning as a hydroelectric power plant with the most extensive runoff system in the world, the Jatiluhur area has many adequate recreational facilities, such as hotels and bungalows, bars and restaurants, tennis courts, billiards, campsites, swimming pools with water slides, meeting rooms, recreational facilities and water sports. , playground, and other facilities. Water sports and recreation facilities include rowing, windsurfing, cruises, water skiing, boating, and others.

The problem formulation in this research is as follows: Brand management or tourist destination brand management is a continuous process of creating a brand with positive values that align with the objectives of tourist destination management. In this case, branding also talks about how a destination can manage its image and reputation by fulfilling promises (trust) to tourists. In this way, a brand is not just about a logo but also includes all efforts made by the government and other stakeholders in communicating the potential and value of a tourist destination to the broader community. Tourism destination branding is one of the trends in city branding by making a city or region a tourist destination or city for local and national communities, as well as enabling a city to manage the tourism potential of its region as a unique identity and characteristic for the region, in in order to build a competitive identity or brand in an area that is specifically a tourist destination and a place that wants to attract tourists. This research was analyzed using the Destination Branding strategy theory from Morgan & Pritchard to determine the branding strategy with qualitative descriptive research methods. The findings show five stages in branding tourist destinations by the government and the community. The first stage is establishing the destination's and brand's core values through market mapping. The second stage is developing a brand identity with four artificial attractions that the government maximizes. The third stage is to introduce the product to the local community. The fourth stage involves brand implementation through symbols. The social media team and the Purwakarta City government carry out the fifth stage, monitoring and evaluation.


Destination, Branding, Attraction, Local Tourists, Jatiluhur

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