Increasing The Competency Of Micro Small And Medium Enterprise (MSME) Managers Through Leadership Agility Training

Jana Sandra, Munir Saputra, Saopasith Channgakham


Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in the Indonesian economy. There are at least 3 very important roles of MSMEs in the lives of small people, namely as a means of lifting people from the brink of poverty, a means of equalizing the economic level of small people, and a contributor to foreign exchange for the country. However, unfortunately, due to the limited capacity of MSME managers and owners, many MSMEs end up having to close, even though MSMEs need to be managed by leaders who are agile towards all changes in order to maintain their sustainability. This research is aimed at answering the question of how to implement agility leadership training for MSME owners and managers organized by the government and E-marketplace Shopee, and what difficulties are faced by participants in participating in the training and what are the solutions. This is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection was obtained through semi-structured interviews with MSME owners and managers. The research results show that the role of E-commerce is very large in providing agility leadership training for MSME owners and managers because it can change negative behavior into positive. In organizing training, it is necessary to pay attention to the elements, namely material, methods and instructors.


Leadership agility, MSME, E Commerce, Training

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