Peran TvOne Dalam Publikasi Berita Pelatihan UMKM Pada Program Kabar Pagi

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Kabar PagiĀ  Program is a television station program that presents tvOne News content for the community with the aim of people get the latest information. One of the published news is the news of UMKM training. This study aims to determine the role of tvOne in the publication of events UMKM training in the program Kabar Pagi . The theory used is the role of mass media by Irene Silvia, namely disseminating objective and educational information, conducting constructive social control, and channeling people's aspirations and expanding communication and community participation. Research methods used is a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research, researchers collected data from observations, interviews and literature review to be analyzed and described. The results showed that the role of tvOne in the publication of UMKM training by coverage, analysis of the impact of events and always balancing the pros and cons. Perform validation with the parties concerned and not express your personal opinion as a journalist. As well as collecting information from the public, being a speaker and facilitator of information, and asking open-ended questions to the public


Television, News, Kabar Pagi

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