Peluang dan Tantangan implikasi Eco Green dalam Industri Mobil Listrik di Indonesia
This study aims to examine the dynamics of challenges and opportunities for implementing Eco Green related to the prospects of the electric vehicles industry in Indonesia. The study uses a qualitative method with a literature review approach. This study analyzes the development trends of the electric vehicles industry, identifies and explores the challenges and opportunities of the Eco-Green-based electric vehicles industry. The results of the study show the great potential of the electric vehicles industry in Indonesia, there is a potential for increasing demand, driven by regulatory support, a large number of potential domestic markets, increasing environmental awareness, and the development of electric car technology that presents alternative technological innovations in driving. However, challenges such as limited charging infrastructure, relatively high prices for electric cars, procurement of battery charging installations at home that require high kwh and consumer perceptions of the relatively high price of electric cars, maintenance and prices of electric vehicle batteries and safety aspects in driving. The competitive map shows a combination of local and international players, with diverse strategies in facing the market. The potential of the electric vehicles industry which is directly related to the ability of the State Electricity Company (PLN) in providing electricity sources, support for facilities and infrastructure for Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) is predicted to continue to grow, where it needs to be consistently supported by regulations, strengthening the EV industry, and sustainable innovation in management from the upstream to downstream sectors both in the procurement of electricity by PLN, SPKLU, electric car technology and batteries including post-use based on Eco-Green. The gradual and sustainable realization of Eco-green will be further accelerated if all related stakeholders and the scale of developing good relationships are included in the Government to Government (G2G), Government to Business (G2B), and Business to Business (B2B) frameworks.
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