Technosociopreneur, New Model UMKM di Era New Normal
This study aims to find a business entrepreneurship model for MSMEs to survive and be supported in a new normal era. The challenges of MSMEs in the new normal era, such as winning coverage and poverty, as well as the global economic downturn, are a momentum of adaptation in ensuring business continuity. MSMEs that succeed in changing their behavior and economic activities will be able to become the winners. Entrepreneurs motive for new normal changes are not only profit oriented but also socially oriented by using digital technology or known as Technosociopreneur. This study used descriptive qualitative method. (Hardani, et al, 2020). Techno-sociopreneur is a combination of technology entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs. This combination of business models is ideal for new normal times. Examples of techno-sociopreneurs are Br. Hafidz (Nares CEO Essential Oil). Nares innovates technology and provides assistance programs for lemongrass / clove leaf collectors / farmers as a form of sociopreneurs. In developing technosociopreneur, synergy between academics, business, community, government, and media (ABCGM) is needed to support social entrepreneurship ecosystems that require credit, capital owners to finance infrastructure, society and human resources, markets and various parties that can provide differences in location factors or geographical.
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