Meningkatkan Kompetensi Aparatur Sipil Negara Dalam Pelayanan Publik Menuju Era New Normal

Yulianto Yulianto


Government administrators are required to provide quality public services based on the principle of public service (Law No. 25/2009). Therefore, we need a system that becomes a standard of public service for service delivery and a reference to assessing service quality as obligations and promises to the public in the framework of quality, fast, easy, affordable, and measurable services. In this new normal era, public services should not decline in quality. Co-19 pandemics should not obstruct and be a reason for limitations in public services. Public service standards must have strong benchmarks with community participation and leadership commitment. This study aims at answering the questions of what factors are still widely complained of by the society regarding the public services in one of the local governments and how to improve the quality of the public servants to face the new normal era. In this study, a case study approach of a qualitative research design is employed. Data collection is applied with a semi structured interview to dig deeper the cases occurred in government institution related to the civil servants' competence. This research found that public servants must have changing competencies in an era that is also changing, namely in managerial ability and decision making, speed, agility, adaptability and information technology. For further research, the researcher recommends conducting a study on how training mechanisms on improving the quality of civil servants can be implemented with different approaches.


Civil servants’ competencies, new normal, public service.

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