Media Sosial Sebagai Alat Promosi Yang Efektif Bagi Usaha Rintisan di Era Normal Baru

Supriyono Supriyono


The digital world has now been transformed into one of the most lucrative promotional tools to be utilized by every type of business. This is because the digital world has infinite reach, and presents prospective buyers or consumers who will provide profits for businesses. The high use of the internet in Indonesia followed by the high use of social media is one reason why the use of social media must be carried out optimally in the field of promotion. This study aims at answering the questions how social media can be an effective promotional tool in running a business in the new normal era and what constraints faced by startup entrepreneurs when establishing social media as a business promotion tool. This study employed a phenomenological approach of a qualitative research design. In this research, semi-structured interviews are used to understand and describe a specific phenomenon that is profound and to obtain the essence of the participant's life experience on a phenomenon by exploring the experiences gained by the informants. Data were gathered from semi structured interviews with young start-up entrepreneurs. The research proved that the social media is an effective promotion tool in the new normal era if it is prepared and presented well with the right strategy. This study provides insight into a view to improve the promotion strategy and offers recommendations for future research.


Promotion Tool, start-up business, new normal era, social media

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