Strategi Perusahaan Mengelola Sdm Menuju Era New Normal Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Properti Menengah Di Jabotabek

Herlan Maulana Muhammad


The pandemic Covid-19 period in Indonesia has been occuring more than 3 months, currently the government has invited all Indonesian citizens to a new normal era. Indonesian business company and industry are required to continue to improve the quality of human resources in order to face the increasingly competitive challenges to reach the market and consumers back. In addition, the company must also be able to manage, motivate and use human resources, which is certainly high quality human resources if company want to survive and grow after the Covid-19 pandemic. Among the company's strategy in managing human resources is a growth strategy by dividing 4 phases such as building a house, starting with the foundation phase that empower employees to improve their performance, continue the wall phase by developing human resources using the HR system, followed by the phase of the roof by implementing human resources management as human capital management and finished by ensuring digital human resources stratetgy.


Company Strategy, Human Resources Management, New Normal

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