Peningkatan Pengetahuan Penggunaan Media Sosial sebagai Alat Pemasaran Melalui Pelatihan bagi UMKM Binaan Disparekraf DKI Jakarta

Syubhan Akib


Currently, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) have a major role in improving people's living standards and strengthening the Indonesian economy. In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the competitive ability of UMKM must be improved by mastering the use of social media as a marketing tool. The ability to use social media is important, especially for UMKM assisted by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Creative Economy (Disparekraf) so that they can compete in the digital era. The purpose of this Community Service (PKM) activity is to provide knowledge about skills and the use of social media as a marketing tool for UMKM by conducting training and mentoring methods. The result of this activity is that UMKM are expected to be able to use social media as a product promotion tool in order to increase sales.


Media sosial, marketing, digital marketing, umkm, pengabdian kepada masyarakat

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