Penguatan Kapasitas UMKM Rambak Kulit Sapi Desa Sringin Kecamatan Jumantono Kabupaten Karanganyar dalam Upaya Pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa

Setya Ningsih Utami, Dhimas Ridha A


Changes in development patterns that are oriented towards SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) namely development that focuses on economic, social and environmental pillars supported by the pillars of governance (Alisjahbana, Armida Salsiah Murniningtyas, 2018), being basis for achieving Indonesia's sustainable development goals. Sringin Village Jumantono District, Karanganyar Regency is one of the villages there MSMEs rambak cowhide.  There are no problems experienced by entrepreneurs proper business management, product diversification and incomplete financial reporting.This community service activity aims to solve problems for business management according to the right concept, product development and appropriate financial governance.

The desired output target is product diversification, flavor variants, business management, simple bookkeeping and sinta journals, mass media publishing, Senadimas, apart from the main output,It is hoped that this activity will have a positive impact in the economic aspect. In solving problems and achieving output targets several things are done activity. The first is the socialization of outreach activities about product sustainability, business management. Second is assistance in making financial reports, Third is assistance on how to make various flavors of skin rambak. This activity is highly rated useful, to increase family economic income


Keywords: SDGs, MSMEs, income diversification, cowhide crop


SDGs; MSMEs; Income Diversification; Cowhide Crop;

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