Application of the Six Sigma Method to Overcome Stock Warehouse Difference at PT United Tractors
Six Sigma method with DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control, and Evaluation) stages Used to overcome warehouse stock discrepancy problems. The subject of this research is a case study at PT. United Tractors East Jakarta. The dependent variable in this research is the Six Sigma method, and the independent variable is the difference in warehouse stock. The data used in the research are field studies and observations carried out in the PT warehouse. United Tractors East Jakarta
The results of this research use the Six Sigma method to determine inventory control over stock discrepancy problems by going through stages. obtained results of 4 causes of stock discrepancy problems; the measurement stage looked for the highest percentage of values causing stock problems; from the high percentage results, the factors causing stock discrepancy problems were analysed; proposals for improvements were made that could have a good impact; and a monitoring stage was made of the factors causing stock discrepancy problems.
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