Is Turnover Intention of Waste Industry Employees Determined by Career Growth, Affective, Normative and Continuance?
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Al Balushi, AK, Thumiki, VRR, Nawaz, N., Jurcic, A., & Gajenderan, V. (2022). Role of organizational commitment in career growth and turnover intention in the public sector of Oman. In PLoS ONE (Vol. 17, Issue 5 May).
Chang, E. (1999). Career commitment as a complex moderator of organizational commitment and turnover intention. Human Relations, 52(10), 1257–1278.
Choong, Y.-O., Wong, K.-L., & Lau, T.-C. (2012). Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Investigation on the Academicians of Malaysian Private Universities. Business and Economics Research Journal, 3(2), 51–64.
Green S B. (1991). How Many Subjects Does It Take To Do A Regression Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 26(3), 499–510.
Guchait, P., & Cho, S. (2010). The impact of human resource management practices on intention to leave employees in the service industry in India: The mediating role of organizational commitment. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(8), 1228–1247.
Hair jr, Celsi, Wolfinbarger, M., H. Money, A., Samouel, P., & J. Page, M. (2015). Business research methods. Armonk, New York, 1–494.
Huselid, M. A., Associates, B., & Day, N. E. (1991). Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement, and Turnover: A Substantive and Methodological Analysis. 76(3), 380–391.
Januszyk, K., Liu, Q., & Lima, C. D. (2011). Activities of human RRP6 and structure of the human RRP6 catalytic domain. Rna, 17(8), 1566–1577.
Khan, I., Khan, F., Khan, H., Nawaz, A., & Bakht Yar, N. (2013). Determining the Demographic Impact on the Organizational Commitment of Academicians in the HEIs of DCs like Pakistan. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2(2), 117–130.
Lum, L., Kervin, J., Clark, K., Reid, F., & Sirola, W. (1998). Explaining nursing turnover intent: Job satisfaction, pay satisfaction, or organizational commitment? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19(3), 305–320.<305::AID JOB843>3.0.CO;2-N
Mathieu, J. E., & Zajac, D. M. (1990). A Review and meta-analysis of the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of organizational commitment. Psychological Bulletin, 108(2), 171– 194.
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Porter, L. W., & Steers, R. M. (1973). Organizational, work, and personal factors in employee turnover and absenteeism. Psychological Bulletin, 80(2), 151–176.
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the Oxidation of. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 34, 49–61.
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