Manfaat dan Dampak Digitalisasi Logistik di Era Industri 4.0

Erwin Raza, La Ode Sabaruddin, Aziza Leila Komala


All the time, innovative and new technologies continue to be developed. This forces anyone involved in the logistics industry to adapt so as not to be left behind and experience adverse effects. With the 4.0 industrial revolution, now many companies are starting to implement digitalization in their logistics activities. There are five main technologies that must be considered in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, namely Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Wearable Technology (WT), Advanced Robotic (AR) and 3D Printing (3DP). This research was conducted to explore the benefits and impacts of digitizing the logistics process in the Industrial 4.0 era by examining it from various sources. The results showed that the use of technology for digitizing logistics provided many benefits both for individuals and for corporate organizations. The stakeholders are expected to be able to work together adequately to ensure the technology present in the Industrial 4.0 era provides the benefits that are expected.

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